Cognitive Robots for Flexible Agro Food Technology (FlexCRAFT)

Project type
NWO Perspectief; 2019-2025
Food production must be as hygienic, efficient and sustainable as possible. Furthermore, fewer people are willing to do tedious and heavy work in warm greenhouses or in refrigerated rooms where chicken products are processed, for example. Robots can provide a solution to this problem if they can deal with the considerable variations in shape, size and hardness of different food products. This is still challenging. The programme FlexCRAFT will develop new robot technology for such purposes as the automatic harvesting of tomatoes, for example. The robotics developed must also help with the processing of foodstuffs. Examples of this include the processing and packaging of chicken products, but also neatly packaging bags of crisps and packets of biscuits in boxes of varying sizes.
The Netherlands is the second biggest exporter of agro-food products worldwide and the third biggest supplier of technology for the agro-food sector. This programme will contribute to strengthening the competitive position of the Netherlands in these sectors.
COR project members
ir. Tomás Coleman, ir. Padmaja Kulkarni, ir. Rodrigo J. Pérez-Dattari, Dr. Cosimo Della Santina, Dr.-Ing. Jens Kober, prof.dr. Robert Babuška
Project consortium
3DUniversum, ABB, AgriFoodTech Platform, Aris BV, BluePrint Automation, Cellar Land, Cerescon, Delft University of Technology, Demcon, Eindhoven University of Technology, Festo, GMV, Houdijk Holland, Marel Stork Poultry Processing, Maxon Motor, Priva, Protonic Holland, Rijk Zwaan, University of Amsterdam, University of Twente, Wageningen University & Research
Publications with videos
Stable Motion Primitives via Imitation and Contrastive Learning. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(5):3909–3928, 2023. .
Interactive Learning of Temporal Features for Control: Shaping Policies and State Representations From Human Feedback. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 27(2):46–54, 2020. .
Publications without videos
An Empirical Investigation on Variational Autoencoder-Based Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Objects from RGB Data. In 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 921–928, 2024. .
PUMA: Deep Metric Imitation Learning for Stable Motion Primitives. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 6(11):2400144, 2024. .
Robotic Packaging Optimization with Reinforcement Learning. In IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1–7, 2023. .
Visually-Guided Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving from Interactive Demonstrations. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 116:105277, 2022. .
Learning Assembly Tasks in a Few Minutes by Combining Impedance Control and Residual Recurrent Reinforcement Learning. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(1):2100095, 2022. .
Interactive Imitation Learning in Robotics: A Survey. Foundations and Trends® in Robotics, 10(1–2):1–197, 2022. .
Tactile-based Self-supervised Pose Estimation for Robust Grasping. In Experimental Robotics: 17th International Symposium (ISER 2020) (Bruno Siciliano, Cecilia Laschi, Oussama Khatib, eds.), Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 277–284, 2021. .