Simultaneously Learning Intentions and Preferences during Physical Human-Robot Cooperation (bibtex)
by Linda F. van der Spaa, Jens Kober, and Michael Gienger
Linda F. van der Spaa, Jens Kober, and Michael Gienger. Simultaneously Learning Intentions and Preferences during Physical Human-Robot Cooperation. Autonomous Robots, 48(4):11, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
  author  = {van der Spaa, Linda F. AND Kober, Jens AND Gienger, Michael},
  journal = {Autonomous Robots},
  title   = {Simultaneously Learning Intentions and Preferences during Physical Human-Robot Cooperation},
  volume  = {48},
  number  = {4},
  pages   = {11},
  year    = {2024},
  doi     = {10.1007/s10514-024-10167-3},
  file    = {},
  video   = {},
  code    = {},
  project = {LPHRCT},
  oa      = {gold},
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